Erdey Lasik Flap Elevator
Richard A. Erdey, MD Columbus, OH
Complications arising from LASIK Enhancement constitute a significant risk factor in cornea surgery today. Various reports indicate enhancement rates of between 8% and 20%. These complications include torn caps, folds, cracks and infection. However, the most prevalent complication is that of epithelial defects due to the blunt dissection normally applied. This gives rise to epithelial tears and tags which can inadvertently be tucked under the flap margins upon replacement. This results in epithelial in-growth and entrapped epithelium, which have been proven to lead to stromal melting anterior to the epi-entrapment. This issue is so significant that some surgeons are using a second microkeratome pass to raise the flap. Our new Erdey Flap Elevator will help manage these concerns.
Designed for LASIK enhancements * Allows surgeon to reopen flap incision... * To lift the flap... * Ideally at the slit lamp
LASIK Enhancements
This two ended instrument employs a specially designed miniature sharpened crescent which easily locates and dissects the original flap margin, which is commonly one of the more difficult aspects of the enhancement. Once the flap edge is scored, the Erdey Elevator end of the instrument is then employed to sharply dissect the epithelium cleanly along the entire circumference of the gutter. The sharpened Erdey Flap Elevator, with upswept facets, is intended to lift and separate, while the radius assists tracking in the gutter. This action reveals the margin of the epithelium dynamically and uniquely. The detuned proximal edges eliminate the tendency to create a false plane.
Erdey Flap ElevatorT
Designed to be employed at either the slit-lamp (ideally) or the surgical microscope (laser optics are notoriously poor, however) the Erdey Flap Elevator is simple and effective. After the margin has been cleaved, the patient is taken to the laser and the flap is then easily lifted. Obviously the stromal adherence will vary slightly from eye to eye but is easily overcome since the tenacious epithelial bond has been severed.