How Long Can Implantable Contact Lenses Last?

short-haired woman smiling out

Implantable contact lenses (ICLS) are becoming more popular for treating refractive errors like nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hyperopia), particularly when refractive surgeries such as LASIK are not an option. However, many patients wonder or may be skeptical about how long these lenses can last. At Erdey Searcy Eye Group, we are proud to offer EVO Visian ICL™, which is a long-term, long-lasting lens solution. To learn more about this treatment option, continue reading. Then, contact our center in Columbus, OH to schedule a consultation and see if this is a good fit for you.

What are implantable contact lenses?

Unlike traditional contact lenses that rest on the surface of the eye, ICLs are surgically implanted into the eye's posterior chamber, positioned behind the iris and in front of the natural lens. ICLs are often recommended for individuals who have high refractive errors, thin corneas, or other conditions that make them unsuitable candidates for laser eye surgery like LASIK. They provide long-lasting, high-quality vision correction and are particularly beneficial for those seeking a stable and effective alternative to glasses or traditional contact lenses.

What makes implantable contact lenses a long-lasting solution?

ICLs are made from biocompatible materials that integrate well with your eye tissue. This reduces the risk of rejection and helps ensure that the lenses remain effective for many years. The materials and design of these lenses contribute significantly to their durability and long-term success. Key features that make implantable contact lenses a long-lasting solution include:

  • Biocompatible materials: The lenses are made from materials that are well-accepted by the eye, minimizing the risk of rejection and complications.
  • Stable positioning: ICLs are placed in the eye's posterior chamber, which helps them stay securely in place without moving or shifting.
  • Durable design: The construction of these lenses is designed to withstand the test of time, providing reliable vision correction.
  • Minimal maintenance: Once implanted, these lenses require little to no regular maintenance or replacement, unlike traditional contact lenses.
  • Long-term vision correction: ICLs are designed to offer consistent vision correction over many years, reducing the need for frequent adjustments.

How do implantable contact lenses compare to other vision correction options?

Compared to other vision correction options like LASIK or traditional contacts, implantable contact lenses in Columbus, OH offer a more lasting solution with less frequent maintenance. LASIK might need touch-up procedures over time, and traditional contacts require regular replacement. Implantable contact lenses provide a durable and low-maintenance alternative, making them an attractive choice for many patients.

Are there any risks associated with long-term use of implantable contact lenses?

Although implantable contact lenses are generally safe for long-term use, there are some risks to consider. Potential issues include the development of cataracts, increased eye pressure, or infections, though these complications are relatively rare. Regular check-ups with our team are essential to monitor your eye health and ensure that your implantable contact lenses continue to perform effectively.

Clearer vision with implantable lenses

If you're thinking about implantable contact lenses in Columbus, OH, the first step is to schedule a consultation at Erdey Searcy Eye Group. With their durability and long-term effectiveness, implantable contact lenses can significantly enhance vision and quality of life. If you're ready to explore the option of implantable contact lenses, contact our facility to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward clearer vision.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.